GameOverviews heading to MEFCC 2013


It feels like it was just yesterday when we were preparing for the first MEFCC a year ago.

Here we are, once again heading off to the Middle East Film and Comicon! Figment, Doom, Broken and myself will be attending both days to provide you an extensive coverage of the things going on at the event!

As always, don’t shy away from passing by and saying hi to us! Also be sure to head over to the MEFCC FB page, you can also buy tickets for the event here

Author: DoCWaSaBe View all posts by

One Comment on "GameOverviews heading to MEFCC 2013"

  1. Mshari April 8, 2013 at 1:09 AM - Reply

    It was nice meeting you guys at the event. You might not remember me but im the guy who showed Ahmed the special abilities in Remember me demo. Goodluck guys 🙂