Mega Man Legends 3 Revival Page Reaches Milestone Goal


Ever since the cancellation of Mega Man Legends 3, a group of fans have dedicated themselves to revive the game by raising awareness.  The goal was to reach 100,000 likes on their Facebook page  in the hopes of gathering all Legends fans around the world and prove Capcom that there is a strong fan base.  Knowing that this could be our chance at reviving Mega Man Legends 3, I joined the group and became one of its first members representing the Arab region. The team has really dedicated itself over the past 9 months with snail mail, fan made weapon competition, fan translations, and managed to even attract celebraties in Japan such as Reika Morishita (lead singer behind the MML theme song). The group has even taken the fight straight to Capcom in NYCC and other events around the world including Bahrain’s own Animania 2011.

No one really knows why the game was officially canned. According to Capcom’s EU Twitter account, the Mega Man Legends 3 Devroom did not receive *enough* participation and is believed to be the main reason behind the game’s mysterious cancellation. Some people believe it was Inafune’s (lead designer of Mega Man) departure, other say it was the mismanagement of the Devroom and the lack of serious marketing.  The game’s official prototype was even discovered to be completed and ready to go but was held back for some unknown reasons. Very shady stuff.

Mega Man Legends 3 is a game that I believe needs to exist. It’s known to be one of the most beloved series in the Mega Man universe due to its charming cast, Studio Ghibli-like visuals, and open ended gameplay. The third iteration also introduced the Devroom that allowed gamers to participate in the game’s official development by voting and adding their own character designs.

In the end, it always makes me happy to see fan movements that fight to bring back their games. With the help of social media tools,  groups such as Operation Rainfall and Retake Mass Effect 3 have shown that these things can work. With the US Devroom still open and accepting new members, one can only hope that Capcom takes these fans more seriously and at the very least, release the prototype. Heck, the fact that one of those fans donated 300 dollars to the cause shows you that these guys mean business. C’mon, Capcom. Give this game a chance!

Author: The Arab Gamer View all posts by
Gaming from the Arab world, ya aziz!

3 Comments on "Mega Man Legends 3 Revival Page Reaches Milestone Goal"

  1. ImRen April 26, 2012 at 9:49 PM - Reply

    I love the legends series so very much..It makes me proud not only as a Megaman fan but as a gamer the fact that we can get a large amount of people together to stand up for something we want. And a future message to other companies to actually listen to their fans.

  2. ImRen April 26, 2012 at 9:50 PM - Reply

    I love the legends series so very much..It makes me proud not only as a Megaman fan but as a gamer. The fact that we were able to get a large amount of people together to stand up for something we want. And a future message to other companies to actually listen to their fans and not just ignore them…