The GO-Cast: Episode 8 “Explosive rats!”

episode 8

Hamood, Figment, WaSaBe, and Doom talk about the newly released games this week (Dishonored, Sonic Adventures 2 HD, Retro City Rampage), other titles,  and why Halo 4’s new forge system is good for the heart.

If you are interested in joining the podcast as a guest speaker then let us know in the comments section below.

Note: Retro City Rampage is scheduled to release on the Wii Ware on Q4 2012.


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Author: DoCWaSaBe View all posts by

2 Comments on "The GO-Cast: Episode 8 “Explosive rats!”"

  1. Shanklish October 12, 2012 at 3:41 PM - Reply

    I’m down to join you guys as a guest speaker.

    • DoCWaSaBe October 12, 2012 at 3:42 PM - Reply

      I know the perfect week! When Halo 4 is out! =P