The GO-Cast: Episode 10 “Back to work!”

episode 10

After much needed rest, the team are back! This week we discusses hot new releases  such as AC3 which kicks off of the busiest season of the year. We further dwelve into the topics of GTA V’s release date and Wii U’s being sold at a loss.


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Author: The Arab Gamer View all posts by
Gaming from the Arab world, ya aziz!

2 Comments on "The GO-Cast: Episode 10 “Back to work!”"

  1. DoCWaSaBe November 2, 2012 at 10:56 PM - Reply

    Just to respond on a few things:
    1- yes i hated san andres, even though, I have always been the biggest fan of all the GTAs AND it’s amusing stories. Good news is, I loved the San Andres map so thats good news to hear!
    2- Casual gaming will not kill the industry it will just and has shifted the strategies of the companies we love. Ninja Gaiden, Ace combat and Devil may cry are games that heavily got affected by a COD mainstream taint (due to the awesome COD4, no sarcasm intended) and I really hate the latest iterations of those once amazing franchises. So rather than blame casual gaming I blame the board members that push the directors to convert hardcore games to become more casual rather than push for new and original casual titles.
    3- For the Wii U pricing, it’s one of two things, either simply a hyping technique where they are not actually making up lies but rather using selective truths to hype (purely an assumption based on marketing techniques). And the 2nd possibility is I have always said accesories are going to be the money maker for Nintendo, so they may lose money on the console but they are confident that enough people will buy a 2nd tablet controller, which i strongly believe will put them in profit. Not to mention all those plastic garbage attachments that sell like hot cakes (thats the correct expression hamood =P). Lastly the horde of 3rd party titles that will jump to Nintendo as the SOLE next gen console available!

    PS. loving the new podcast layout!

    • DoCWaSaBe November 2, 2012 at 11:00 PM - Reply

      the ‘Board members’ comment is just a wild guess, but somewhere in each organization a decision maker has made a decision to appeal to the casual market, and that is clearly shown in the games i mentioned, esp Ace Combat who before COD4 has almost not changed it’s formula for 3 generations