RE6 collector’s edition appears on eBay, costs just about as much as your savings.


Games tend to get leaked a lot these days. Resident Evil 6 was one of the victims as rumors have been going around about the game already being sold in Poland. Then comes this, an eBay user called sara.scott1980 is offering a PS3 version of RE6 collector’s edition for pre-order… for 3000 dollars. The page also says that the estimated date for delivery would be between the 11th and 18th of September, which sounds more of a leak than a pre-order. The official release date for Resident Evil 6 is on the 2nd of October, 2012.

As your temporary financial consultant, I highly recommend that you wait for the official release of the game and buy it 99% cheaper. Thank you!

Author: M3o View all posts by
Half Bahraini, half Pharaoh.