Bwwwaah? New Uncharted title is a Casino Card Game

uncharted coins

The Austrlian & Brazalian classification board have listed Uncharted: Fight for Fortune as an upcoming PSVITA game from One Loop Studio who apparently have devs that worked on The Saboteur & Full Spectrum Warrior. While one might assume the game to be a continuation of Golden Abyss, it will instead be going for a completely different genre–card games. When the game was first discovered on the Australian board people began to wonder why would a new Uncharted game get a family friendly “G” rating?

NeoGaf members began to dig deeper and eventually discovered it listed on the Brazalian classification board as a “Casino Card Game”

I’m expecting this will probably be a simple 3-5 dollar social game. It’s clear from the beginning that Sony’s intentions with the Vita was to offer both hardcore and casual game experiences to counter the ever growing mobile gaming market. It won’t be big but then again having a themed version of a popular game can always be fun.

IGN via NeoGaf
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